RBAC – Role Based Access Control

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RBAC – Role Based Access Control

is a security model to control access to resources based on the roles of individuals.

  • Access permissions are assigned to roles. (manager, user, admin, etc.)
  • Users are assigned to specific roles.
  • Operates on the principle of least privilege.
  • Roles: Represent different job functions or responsibilities.
  • Permissions: What actions can be performed on the resources or data.
  • Users: The individuals assigned to one or more roles.
  • It is possible to use hierarchies, where higher levels inherit the permissions of lower-level roles.
  • Pros: scalable, productivity, and simplified administration.
  • Cons: It can be difficult to manage exceptions or particular things for specific users.
  • Cons: Can be difficult to manage exceptions or particular things for specific users.

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