Symmetric Encryption

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Symmetric Encryption

is a method of encrypting and decrypting data using the same secret key.

  • AKA: secret-key, single-key, or private-key encryption.
  • The secret key is shared between both parties. (increases the risk)
  • The same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message.
  • It can use block or stream ciphers.
  • Pros: good for volumes of data, files, databases, and networks. Fast.
  • Pros: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication
  • Cons: How do I share the key? How do I scale for multiple users? (multiple keys)
  • Cons: Doesn’t support non-repudiation.
  • Examples: Blowfish, RC4, DES, Triple DES (3DES), and AES (most popular).
  • Examples: ChaCha20 (used by TLS 1.3, for instance)

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